Kr𝓪ken ֆ Loᘜin

Kraken Login is a well-known online cryptocurrency trading platform and wallet that offers services to both organizations and private users globally. Now,


How to buy and sell crypto on the Kraken exchange?

Have you recently signed for an account on the Kraken login and now you would like to know how to start using this exchange for the very first time? Well, if this is the case with you, then you have arrived on the right page as we are going to discuss the method to use Kraken exchange by making you learn how to buy or sell cryptocurrencies over it. However, if you have not signed up for an account on Kraken login then you should immediately do that. Upon doing so, you will be able to start exploring the exchange and trading on it.

After you have opened your account, you need to fund it and then you can go ahead with placing your order.

Method to buy crypto on the Kraken exchange

  1. Log in to your Kraken exchange account

  2. After this, look for the "Buy crypto" button at the top

  3. Now, select the crypto that you wish to buy

  4. Complete the order form

  5. And, then go ahead with reviewing the fee details that are given on the order form

  6. After reviewing the fee, click on the "Preview buy" option

  7. Follow the steps accordingly to complete the process

Method to trade on the exchange

To start trading on this exchange, you need to carefully follow the listed steps to complete the process. Here is what you can do:

  1. To begin the process, find out which asset you wish to trade with

  2. Select the pair from the "ticker/quote bar" given near the Trade feature of the Kraken exchange

  3. Now, carefully fill out the order form with correct details in the "New Form" section

  4. After you have done this, you can submit the order


In today's post, we have learned about using Kraken exchange for the first time. If you are a new user, all you need to do is go to the Kraken exchange, use the trading and buying features given on that page, and use them based on your convenience.

Last updated